Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chrisette Michele is a BOSS and Wale is a Good Right Hand Man to Have

Heard this song tonight and INSTANTLY fell in love with it. I don't know how it fell under my radar for so long. It reeks of purity and honesty and leaves a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Maybe my heart is trying to tell me something........ OR MAYBE NOT! ( aahaha I know you almost got caught up in my melodrama with that last line) but to cut a long story short its worth a listen or 5 and I'm about to pull up the Chrisette Michele album I downloaded over 2 months ago and pray (against hope) that its not on so I won't have to kick myself for taking so long to actually listen to it. Wish me luck peepz, my ass is still sore from the last time I had to kick myself!

and as an added bonus here's her cover of No Doubt's "Don't Speak" which was beautifully done.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Satanists are Dumbasses!

My friend Becky is pretty cool. She defers from normalcy just enough to make her interesting but has enough of a grip on sanity to keep her out of the looney bin(... most of the times ;-p)
 so when she started sharing links on my official brain killer Facebook from this site I said to myself that its worth checking out. Now I have another mini obsession and avenue to waste countless hours of my life because is the shiznit! and yes I duly note that using the word shiznit has just diminished my own cool points (i'm now only kinda cool, I can live with that)

While I ploughed through this labyrinth of random and probably useless but oh so engaging information (i spent FIVE HOURS on this bloody site on Sunday!!!) I stumbled over something that almost crippled me with extreme mirth! For those of you too lazy to click the link or who will not open the link in a new tab and there leave my blog and be trapped in the abyss of never to return again its a list of 8 historical symbols that mean the opposite of what you think. Today boys and girls I would like yo discuss with you #7.... the inverted cross.
oh emm gee!

To satanists, heavy metal rockers and confused suburban angst filled teenagers everywhere its a huge middle finger to Christianity.Kind of their version of playing Evil Knievel with the wrath of God. To Catholics it's the Cross of St Peter and an all round symbol of I am not worthy of Your Greatness Oh Lord!

Let me start from the beginning.... This is St Peter

otherwise known as the disciple Simon Peter, one of the "fishers of men", otherwise known as the dude who denied knowing Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. I'll wait until those memories of Sunday school during lent come back to you and you go Oooooh that guy! ......... Right! Let's move on.

So other than totally scorning the Son of God in his time of trial Peter was a really great guy. In Matthew 16:16 he declares Christ accurately as the Son of the Living God which of course scores him some Scooby Snacks and he is named Peter by Christ who calls him the "rock upon which I shall build my church". probably why he's widely considered to be the first actual ...... (add suspense music dun, dun dun) Pope!

And now the plot thickens....

You see there are often pictures of the Pope with upside down crosses. 

and you think ummmm creepy! , the pope is buying himself a one way ticket to H-E double hockey sticks! 
But a little research, as I said before shows a different story.
Back to St Peter... where was I? Oh now I remember, he was a cool dude, he walked on water, he kicked butt for Jesus (or at least he cut off a dude's ear for Him)  and he was the only disciple brave enough to actually go into the Jesus's tomb when He was resurrected. (Luke 24- Yup ppl you'll have to read your bible for this post, go dust it off!)

And when this super cool dude died, he was crucified, just like Jesus. Well not JUST like Jesus. You see Peter requested to be crucified upside down! Why you ask? Because he did not think that he was worthy to die the same death that Jesus did! He was being,,, humble!!!!!!

Now don't get me wrong, I know that there are conspiracy theories out there about the church  and a whole lot of other stuff. I don't know if its true or not but I choose not to live in fear because, well God said not to! And it's not like I'm going to tattoo a huge upside down cross on my face like this genius...

Over time symbols take on the connotation of what you imply with them but its still great to see that  every knee shall bow is very much a living concept and the fools that hate my God so much are perpetually doing what we all knew declaring themselves UNWORTHY!!! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sneak Peek pt 2- Hopeless

Ok ladies gentleman and assorted creatures, its excerpt time again. This is another piece of my book. This is actually part of the original set of writing I have done for this book only one of very few part to not get rewritten or totally discarded. I've been asked for another little tidbit an sooo here it is. Read and rate but steal not.

I stood at the back of the church where the air was dense and humid. The silk of my black blouse clung to the back of my neck. There was a breeze blowing but it did nothing to stop the suffocating feeling that permeated the atmosphere. Everyone was moving along like zombies but only I truly understood the irony of this because I was the only real person that was half dead. My other half lay in the casket at the front of the hundred year old building, her hands, as cold and dry as mine were clammy and warm.
I closed my eyes and counted to ten. The casket was still there and Hope’s picture was still on top of it. I turned around and looked at all the pictures and notices on the old bulletin board at the back of the church. There were a lot of new pictures from a recent overnight camp. Dozens of smiling teenaged faces were tightly pressed together as their owners all clamoured to be in the shot. Beautiful, young, alive faces. I turned around and yup Hope was still in that box, Ma was still holding on to it bawling and everyone was holding on to Ma, telling her that it was time for the pallbearers to carry the casket out of the church.
Casket… Just two days ago I had looked at the beautiful mahogany wood and referred to it as a ‘nice coffin’ to be scornfully rebuffed by the owner of the funeral home. Now I know that coffins were flat and tapered to the end and were not often made of such expensive material, the masterpiece I was looking at was a casket made of the finest mahogany to be shipped to the island. If the wood was that expensive I wonder why it wasn’t made into a table or some other piece of furniture that would be worth thousands as an antique in the future, but it wasn’t. It was made into a casket; for my sister. She deserved only the best.
Daddy had finally gotten Ma away and they were now both collapsed on the floor as the cousins and neighbourhood ‘play cousins’ filed in to take my sister back to the hearse.  I moved out of their way when they passed by me. Until that moment it was as if I had been rooted to that spot. I craned my neck to get a glimpse of her. To wonder what it would be like to seen a body so similar to my own lying lifeless…and then I remembered. Closed casket, the accident had left its mark.
I followed them out and waited. As I waited, I heard my mother’s wail as she limped slowly down the aisle propped up by my father and my sister. I turned around only when my ears told me that they were at the back of the church where I had stood. I had once heard that a mother always knows when something is not right with one of their children because they feel it in their womb. My mother was clutching her womb for dear life and the pain on her face looked like labour itself. Funny though both hands were on one side of her womb. Maybe the saying was right.
I sat on a whitewashed boulder and massaged the crick that had found its way to the back of my neck. Eww, I had forgotten that I was sweating. I opened my purse and pulled out my black bandana. Ma had made a humongous fuss about it saying that it was indecent to bring a bandana into a funeral. She views bandanas as gang signs. I’m sure she would have accused me of being a “gangbanger”, a term she had accrued watching CNN, except for the fact that I have about fifteen different coloured bandanas. She probably thought that I was a member of more than one gang. I looked up and she was staring at me, burning straight through my hand. She looked as if I had slapped her in the face and then she turned back to my sister now in the hearse. It was fleeting, almost invisible, but I had gotten the message. Why had my angel died, why wasn’t it you.
I got up and I walked away. I walked out of the churchyard with its assortment of tombstones. There were a lot of crosses, an angel or two and normal ones with a lot of intricate detailing and profound quotes. I often wondered just who these people were and what great deeds bestowed them the honour of being buried there. My sister wasn’t going to be buried there she was going to be laid to rest in a quiet little cemetery lined by almond trees. She had gotten a shady spot, I had heard. Ma told our neighbour that she had demanded this of the keeper. The dry season sun was unbearable, she said.
As if on cue the rain began to fall. I ran under the awning of a shop front.


Ummmm No Eh!

Not writing much today just dropping a line. I like Tiny a lot and I love T.I. but I found their wedding or more specifically their reception after party just un peu trop distasteful 4 me! see for yourself. Not the average or even desired post nuptial celebration to me.

and Tiny what the hell is this!

Come nah man woman! Ah does defend yuh! Is yuh wedding day!!! Dress #1 was bridal and suitable enough although I don't love that 1 either but it was appropriate.

 I mean if you have a problem with people talking about you classiness or lack thereof then don't give them a reason to think they're right! And once again I am a fan. Can you imagine the haters sharpening their claws as we speak?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm sorwie! Let me make it up to you!

So I know that I have been very VERY delinquent in posting on my blog. Do forgive me blog world. As pennance I shall share with you my fav Def Poetry clips. Enjoy them as much as I have over the years!

love, Love LOVE! this 1 :-)

Every black man should hear this 10 times DAILY!