Monday, October 18, 2010

Stolen From A Friend's Facebook Status!

A friend of mine, the very wise Mr Marc Chauharja Singh, shared this as his Facebook status. It's far too beautiful a thought not to share. It has almost healing qualities (or maybe my heart is just tender at the moment and this was the balm I needed.)

Love has no one definition and therefore we all have to define love for ourselves... she, like God, presents herself differently to different people...

What we must remember though, is that love is both selfish and selfless, both caring and indifferent.

It is up to us, therefore, once love has chosen to spend some time with us, to decide where we want to go with love...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Bitch is Back!!!

My father is the most cantankerous individual that I have ever had the pleasure (and sometimes that word is used loosely) of knowing.
 He is stubborned,
 and on many ocassions incredibly rude.
 It took me a while to figure it out but Daddy is actually thoroughly entertaining. One day when we were in the throes of a heated debate that I should have had the good sense to know I wouldn't win (even though I was right) he gave me a little nugget of information that only made sense to me last Wednesday (at about 6:00pm to be exact)

Crystal: But Daddy yuh wrong!
Harold: How I could be wrong. Yuh talking chupidness man! (In his you are annoying me singsong voice)
Crystal: Even if yuh right Daddy, that wasn't very polite      (but he WAS wrong)

*insert nugget of invaluable information here*

Harold: At my age I don't have to be polite. You still young, you have to be nice to people. I don't have to be nice to anybody. At my age all that matters is being RIGHT.

I laughed and shook my head..... because he was wrong, and because I envied his freedom. To be free of judgement and stigma. To not really not give a shit. Hmmmn I processed this info, cut into digestible cubes and consumed it and..... At 6:00pm, on September 29th, 2010, the exact moment I turned 25, which had always been my childhood threshold of old, I got it! 
(well other than this...)

My daddy was great. My daddy was a guru. My daddy was a GANGSTA!
Disclaimer: Not my Daddy

And me being his offspring.... well, I'm a badass too!
So YEAH my birthday sucked crusty balls!
Yeah! I'm broke! Yeah I'm unemployed! Yeah I cuddle my GRANNY! (Please nobody tell her I called her Granny or she'll kill me)
And yeah I haven't written on my blog in over a month!
So watchugona do about it huh? huh?HUH?
Didn't think so!
So anyway ppl if you haven't realised it yet, that was my apology for leaving you stranded so long. I promise I'll do better!